I hate ads.

That's it. That's all I wanted to say. Just loathe them with a burning passion. More than i do anything else in my day to day life. I feel an urge to scream it into the world every single day just how much i despise ads and whoever invented them.

I hate ads.

I can't escape them. I feel like i'm trapped in a sick psychological torture experiment. Can't even go outside for a walk without seeing them everywhere. This is not how human beings should live.

I hate ads.

Do the people who make ads not feel any shame for what they are doing? Stop trying to sell me your shit, i don't want it! I don't want to give you my money, stop trying to take it away from me!

I hate ads.

  • amemorablename@lemmygrad.ml
    hace 7 meses

    That sucks to hear. The day I can't block ads on youtube will be the day I stop using it. It is just not worth the psychological damage of having that garbage blasted at me.