Aka The U.S goes mask-off on the South China Sea, and Johnny Harris tries to equivalent China's actions to that of the U.S.

What can I say? On Harris himself, I suspect his moderacy is being used to co-opt a sort of good cop side of the pro U.S position, considering past videos. NED- National Endowment in Democracy, an international pro-U.S organization funded by the C.I.A to support color revolutions.

But on a more serious note: What do you suppose of the Philippine Sea debate, because I haven't gotten a clarified rationale and context on China's actions, from your side? And how would I counter claims of local Chinese aggression.

(reposted from r/Sino)

  • Tachanka [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    What's bonkers to me about this suicidal "war with China" that our bourgeoisie are all so openly bloodthirsty for is that, hello, they have four times as many people as the USA, and the USA increasingly depends on China for their shit

    US imports from China have been on the increase over the past two decades, even as a percentage of total economic activity, so adjusting for population increase, etc.
