"For this very reason, at the same time as he issued his revolutionary April Theses, Lenin issued the slogan for 'patient' propaganda among the masses to convince them of the correctness of those theses. Eight months were spent on that patient work. But they were revolutionary months, which are equal at least to years of ordinary, 'constitutional' times. We won the October Revolution because we were able to distinguish between a correct Party line and recognition of the correctness of the line by the masses. That the oppositionist heroes of 'super-human' leaps cannot and will not understand."

He is saying that Lenin understood that having the right theory is one thing, having popular support for it is another

  • Vampire [any]
    1 year ago

    Continuing the same thought:

    "Was the position of the British Communist Party during the strike in Britain a correct one? Yes, in the main it was. Why, then, did not the Party succeed at once in securing the following of the vast masses of the British working class? Because it did not succeed, and could not have succeeded, in convincing the masses in so short a time of the correctness of its line. Because between the time when a party works out a correct line and the time when it succeeds in winning the following of the vast masses, there lies a more or less prolonged interval, during which the party has to work indefatigably to convince the masses of the correctness of its policy. That interval cannot be skipped over. It is foolish to think that it can be skipped over. It can only be outlived and overcome by means of patient work for the political education of the masses."

    • Vampire [any]
      1 year ago

      The strike in question is this one: