We have a test instance of Lemmy 0.18.2 running with our patches on top ready for testing:


Lemmy has been seeing a lot of activity recently, so this release brings with it a lot of changes (some of which we are hoping are going to fix some of the jank y'all have probably been experiencing). You can see the full list of changes here: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/releases. This is also the release that removes websockets!

Disclaimer: Anything you post will be nuked after we're done testing, nothing is being saved from the test instance.

If you encounter a bug please let us know what happened, how we can reproduce it, and your OS & browser in the comments below. The more detail, the more likely we can fix things!

  • makotech222 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    i agree but maintaining it has been a pain, lemmy upstream does like a huge refactor every update so we end up having to reimplement it every time. We are compatible with third party clients now, i think they may have better UIs especially on mobile.