If your ass is not making it to the session on time at 2 pm like we agreed on multiple times in a row, I will not trust you to be on time for an event.

If you are making absurd demands of the DM and try to bully them to include your overpowered item (including homebrewing it for you and then you throw a fit when you don't like the results), I will not trust you with real power. etc etc

EDIT: I am not looking for DMing advice here, I already do sessions 0, read articles and have dmed and played a lot. I am mostly noting how small shit can tell you if you can rely on/trust somebody for more serious stuff and that TTGs have a lot of small shit coming together at once.

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      11 months ago

      You can fix this by being anxious about being late and showing up 30 minutes to two hours early for everything and just sit in the car until like 5 minutes before so it's not weird (it is still weird if someone saw you there in your car earlier)

      • JuneFall [none/use name]
        11 months ago

        While I understand your wrath it is a thing in which normativity and culture intersects with a few other things.

        The fiction of being on time is a specific one, there are multiple time concepts (not only monochronic and polychronic). There are plenty of things that for neurodivergents, say with so called "executive function disorder" make it very hard to be on time (they will instead be much too early or late). Etc. etc.

        I understand that your play structure is one in which you want to have a fixed time and be able to power through. That is something to establish though. For me playing with plenty of neurodivergent peeps and people from various cultures and backgrounds and individual preferences and work structures I found that just blocking a long time and have social hour in the beginning and end worked well.

        If you want to have mono attention on your game (in our group we had people plenty of the time for example scribble stuff or for one of our players having a bit of nap times) that is a decision you can do of course.