As a Lithuanian, not surprised by this garbage decision.

      1 year ago

      Our freedom fighters vs. their Kremlin funded separatists

      I mean seriously the hypocrisy about this when they gladly and uncritically support ETIM, the Tibetan theocracy, etc. is hilarious and infuriating

      1 year ago

      Funny how they miss the elephant in the room- the supression of the russian minority lead to said russian interventions. Not russians just being there.

      1 year ago

      Reading comprehension and basic listening skills are dead. How many years did it take for Putin to finally green light the “invasion” and what percentage of the population begged for said “invasion”?

    1 year ago

    Look at the response to this vs. the response to Russia telling people in Russian-controlled territory that they need to get Russian passports if they want to stay