Don’t pass this man the rock when he’s hot🔥🏀🔥🥵HE WILL COOK! Edit: For context, she was saying “China is killing Americans” through opioids and saying Biden is helping China to kill more.

        11 months ago

        That is blatantly wrong and no it wasn’t. It was created to help French school children with their studies by helping teachers understand where they were lagging behind and needed more help in. As “General Intelligence” was thought to be changeable and just a metric of how much people are educated in base subjects like math, vocabulary, reading, base problem solving, and pattern recognition. Something that IQ is decently good at quantifying. IQ is not a measure of “How smart” a person is.

        The eugenics movement, racists, and Nazis used IQ for race science. But that came 20-30 years after the first usages of IQ.

        They spread the myth that IQ is unchangeable and genetic, when in reality it is a metric that is affected by material conditions and education.

        • all star [he/him]
          11 months ago

          Eh, I would amend my original comment to say “our modern concept of IQ”. But even then, that feels overly pedantic. The fact that there existed some school assessment test that may have bore a similar name or structure to the modern concept of IQ seems a bit like saying “actually Nazis were socialist, it’s in the name”. The modern concept of IQ was made up by “race scientists.

            11 months ago

            Again, no it wasn't. Alfred Binet created the concept of IQ levels, IQ tests, and the name IQ in 1904 for the French government to test children's abilities in schools.

            It didn't bear a similar name or structure. It is literally the same thing as modern IQ and IQ tests. The tests created by Binet are nearly identical to modern tests (save for the exact questions of course).

            Alfred Binet created modern IQ in nearly the same form it is today. IQ is a good metric to help in education and schooling, just like it was originally intended to be used for.

            Race scientists twisted and lied about it.

            • all star [he/him]
              11 months ago

              I’m not sure how much I’m willing to concede on this. I’ll leave this convo after one laser push back on what I am perceiving as unnecessary pedantry.

              What do people think of when someone says IQ? Do they think of some French scholastic aptitude test, or do they picture the “ unchangeable and genetic” as you said.

              From your answer to that question I suppose you’ll either agree with my original statement that IQ as it is understood in common parlance is bunk and race science, or you will think I a weirdly picking on an aptitude test.

                11 months ago

                That feels more like a cultural problem. The west and America in particular hyper focus on IQ being a measure of intelligence.

                That is bunk.

                Where I am from it is viewed as a test given yearly to children in grades 1-8 to help see how they are doing and how they can be helped in the coming year.

                The tests are identical. It is the American culture hyper focused on race that has made people believe in all these myths regarding IQ.

                In fact, taking an IQ test as an adult where I’m from is bizarre and a bit comical. As that’s not what the test is for at all, and is silly.

          11 months ago

          hmm i suppose you're right. I've never really taken the "IQ" thing as a serious medical analysis (more like the mbti-pseudoscience) but i guess that is the point of it!

      11 months ago

      Same with the iconic "lifetime b---h" dunk. That woman did racistly insult an entire nation of people, but this sort of remark brings about a verbal slapfight.

        11 months ago

        yes, it's like when liberals make the homophobic Putin/Trump jokes, it's homophobic when they do it, and we shouldn't let misogyny like that slip by either, even if we like Chen a lot.

          11 months ago

          Honest question, because I might be out of date with my language use. I didn't realise it had misogynist undertones, my understanding was always that is just the feminine form of "bastard" and they are used relatively interchangeably?

            11 months ago

            it's because it originated with comparing women to female dogs, I've had a few comrades ask me not to use it and it's not that hard. Like why is it that you're more likely to call a man a "SOB" than a "b*tch", the meaning for bitch" changes when you call women it vs men, etc. I don't fully understand but I've got plenty of other things to call people lol

    • KiG
      11 months ago

      I downvote because, unfortunately, average people love insults like "low IQ," "b!tch," and many other things that modern socialists find unsavory.

      At a certain point we are hurting our own movement by trying to be PC.

      There is also no definitive line we draw. You may say that line is with "low IQ," but someone who claims to be woker than you will say that the origins of stupid, dumb, idiot, moron, etc. are all equally ableist.

      Not to mention, we absolutely should be taking an opportunity to impune our enemies as stupid, or as useless/cruel (whatever the implication of "b!tch" was in whatever ya'all are referring to), because, well, they are.

      Unfortunately, people will often respond to a dunk better than a graph.

        11 months ago

        average people love insults like “low IQ,” “b!tch,” and many other things that modern socialists find unsavory.

        This is a dogshit opinion and bordering on patsoc behavior. Average people also love to ruthlessly shit on communism, and we mean to convince them otherwise, but suddenly combatting bigotry will be a bridge too far? Fuck that, bigotry is a tool that will be ruthlessly exploited by the ruling class, and must strive to stamp it out as part of the class war. If you don’t believe me, look into how white trade unionists and communists valued their whiteness over solidarity with black comrades in the early 20th century. Are marginalized comrades supposed to just suck it up while their supposed comrades call other members of their community slurs???

        At a certain point we are hurting our own movement by trying to be PC.

        “Kill all slave owners”. “Death to Amerikkka”. “Shut up cracker”. All shit regularly said by communists online. None of us hold any opinions that are “politically correct”, fighting bigotry isn’t PC

        There is also no definitive line we draw. You may say that line is with “low IQ,” but someone who claims to be woker than you will say that the origins of stupid, dumb, idiot, moron, etc. are all equally ableist

        Absolutely horrendous argument, do you think the r-slur isn’t too far? Just because there isn’t a definitive line to draw in the sand, doesn’t mean there isn’t a huge difference between the r-slur and idiot. The language right at the edge will always be a struggle, but that doesn’t mean we wipe our hands of it entirely.

        Not to mention, we absolutely should be taking an opportunity to impune our enemies as stupid, or as useless/cruel (whatever the implication of “b!tch” was in whatever ya’all are referring to), because, well, they are.

        Unfortunately, people will often respond to a dunk better than a graph.

        I literally advocated for dunking, just use language that isn’t wrapped in bigotry. Call people a cracker, worm, whatever.

        • KiG
          11 months ago

          I guess my key point is we should pick our battles when trying to interact with people who are conditioned to be against everything we advocate for.

          Obviously i think combatting bigotry goes hand and hand with our struggle. I guess insults like "low IQ" and "b!tch" in particular are just a little low priority and arent worth the alienation.

          When i get in a political argument with people IRL or online, i like to focus on the most pertinent issues. If they say unsavory things in between the base discussion i ignore it because its not worth bogging down the conversation and making myself easily dismissable.

          I have seen far greater success with this method, meeting people where they are at and not immediately impuning their morality, than by trying to scold a person 50 different way from the get go. If people can be moved leftward, the rest will come naturally.