To be honest I have never dived into the drama and don't read either of them. I'm just interested why they are hated so much in our circles, yet loved by the more right leaning ones.

    1 year ago

    It is literally propaganda press. Full stop.

    You can debate the biases and corporate control of media like CNN or RT or Fox, but RFA and RFE were literally founded by the CIA and receive all their funding from the American State Department.

    This isn’t a hidden fact, it’s even highlighted on their Wikipedia articles. They also are known for making up ludicrous batshit insane stories with no sources, or their sources are anecdotal “from a friend of a friend”.

    Radio Free Europe was also made initially to broadcast American propaganda into the Soviet Union.

      1 year ago

      If one thinks that the CIA and state department are good sources of information about other countries and never lied to about anything to propagate imperialist wars, I don't know what to say.