Hello! I would like to start off by apologizing because I know a thread like this gets posted every other day and it can border on (or actually be) concern-trolling, but I wanted to get a rough survey of opinions here on a topic.

Specifically, do you have any criticisms of China's contemporary culture? Its government? What are they?

I'm of the opinion that there are a lot of low-hanging fruit in this regard, like the patriarchal social order that [whatever one might say about its status in other nations] is certainly an ongoing problem for the matter of women's liberation. I also think it's both socially backwards and bad for national security to not have gay marriage, because we're all familiar with how the US loves infiltrating student movements.

I also rather regret how the CPC seems to be trending towards expanding the role of the profit motive rather than shrinking it. See these statements:



Do you agree with these points? Do you have your own criticisms? Am I totally off-base? Let me know!

(btw I'm also familiar with the idea of sharing criticism with comrades but finding public criticism to be counter-productive, but I don't want to spend all day listing caveats)

  • ImOnADiet@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    but it didn't truly take off until the 2000's, I want to see the path that China's economy was taking before the reforms, idk how we would find that

    • Life2Space@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Take a look at the first link. The GDP PPP wasn't much higher than the nominal GDP back then; as I have already shown you.

      The data starts from 1960, 11 or so years after the founding of the PRC, but we can already see that the economy was incredibly small and only marginally increased until - like we have said - the reforms and opening up truly began to accelerate starting from the 1990s and 2000s.

      Now, China's nominal GDP is only about $18 trillion but the GDP PPP is about $34 trillion! This could not have been done if the socialist market economy was not introduced.

      • ImOnADiet@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Why could the USSR do it but not China? I understand that China was not quite as resource rich in some ways but it wasn't exactly a starved small nation like say Vietnam

        • Life2Space@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          Do what? The USSR was barely an economic threat to the US, and ultimately ceased to exist.

          The PRC has not only survived the endless waves of imperialist sabotage, but also thrived. It is, without a doubt, the most prosperous country in the world, and those gains could not have been made without the socialist market economy.

          • ImOnADiet@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            Do what? The USSR was barely an economic threat to the US, and ultimately ceased to exist.

            What? even going by GDP it was by far the 2nd largest economy which Like I said I think fucking sucks when measuring planned economies, and it collapsed because of the ideological rot of pizza man and his pizza co conspirators (+no automated computer economy