• makotech222 [he/him]
    6 days ago

    protip: don't install win11 with a microsoft account; use a local-only account. No problems.

    • RION [she/her]
      6 days ago

      They do make it pretty hard to do so, but I think the oobe\bypassnro trick still works

    • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
      6 days ago

      I wasn't able to set up my computer early this year without using an account (maybe I just missed the option, but if it was there they buried it).

      I was able to switch it to local afterwards, but there was already an unwanted link with one-drive and several of my folders, which persisted even after uninstalling one-drive, and apparently can only be fixed within one-drive's specific settings.

      To fix it I had to re-install the program, and then re-uninstall it when everything was finally disconnected. Fuck microsoft.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        6 days ago

        Unless they've changed something Windows will very grudgingly let you install windows without signing in as long as the computer is not connected to the internet.

        Oh Jesus fucking Christ, they did change it? You can't install Win11 without a network connection now?