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Note: This will be the thread tmrw, so you can use this thread to ask and vote on questions beforehand.

Original Announcement thread

  • Awoo [she/her]
    11 months ago

    Khrushchev did literally nothing wrong


      • Awoo [she/her]
        11 months ago

        siding with the great Satan and fascists is bad

        Claiming they sided with fascists is fucking absurd. Don't spread this revisionist shit all you're doing is reinforcing anticommunism.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            11 months ago

            I read your comment as referring to the soviets not china. I still don't understand why you even brought them into it though. It reads like trying to cause as much drama as possible.

        • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]
          11 months ago

          I think they're referring to Chinese support of the Khmer Rouge. Obviously they're not the ones who engineered the coup that put Pol Pot's faction in power (see America), but not siding with the USSR and Vietnam against them was a p big L.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            11 months ago

            I didn't read it as that because it's a really weird non sequitur. Like someone just dumping as many controversial things into the thread as possible.

            • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]
              11 months ago

              Correct, this isn't a serious discussion, I don't genuinely disagree with everything Kruschev did other than sending the tanks into Hungary and supporting Cuba, nor attribute everything the USSR did during that time to Kruschev; I imagine H3doubehockeysticks has more nuanced takes on the USSR and China.