i'm wanting to get on usenet but remain compeltely anon (vpn, anon purchase, etc).

i know this ins't stricly a piracy question and is maybe more of a crypto question but figure there ain't nobody who knows privacy and anoniminitry like you guys do.

so if i want to some amounts of bitcoin/whatever anonymously, how tf do i get it? liek not large amount, just small shit like to buy subs for a few for usenet indexes and whatnot?i know the bitcoin atm's and banks do "know your customer" stuff (basically they id you first) and are not anon. have hear d that you can mine it anon but not sure if apps track hw specs and whatnot that could be used to id you. is there another ways that dont require you to have sepcial sms accounts or burner phones pr whaetver first? or maybe you guys can recommend me some foss mining apps which are safe that i could check out?

i'm on linux ifg it matters for good mining aps. i can write some bash scripts but im not a super hacker or anthing so ones that dont require a degree are appreciated.

edit: i don't specifically care about bitcoin. i just don't know jack about crypto and assumed that was what the usenet service providers would accept. if there's something else they'd take that is still anonymous, that's fine with me as long as you guys can help my dumb noob ass understand what to do.

  • thisusernameistaken@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    11 months ago

    BTC you would "probably" be okay but if you are going full anon i think Monero is the only true anon. im not really into crypto so i dont know how true that is, I just see that mentioned a lot that Monero / XMR is a privacy coin. Cash is king though. Maybe the most annon? frugal usenet and Blocknews actually have a cash payment option on the website at checkout, if you are worried maybe ask them the track record for receiving it. If you are doing VPN to, Mullvad takes cash but you do not need vpn for usenet.

    • drunkensailor@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      11 months ago

      im not really into crypto ... Monero / XMR is a privacy coin

      thanks... same here. so much so that until you phrased it exactly that way, I hadn't even put together that "Monero" == "XMR" and thought people were talking about 2 separate coins 😅

      frugal usenet and Blocknews actually have a cash payment option on the website at checkout, if you are worried maybe ask them the track record for receiving it.

      good to know, thanks

      If you are doing VPN to, Mullvad takes cash but you do not need vpn for usenet.

      already have a paid, no-log VPN that I torrent with. Mullvad looks awesome but probably won't check it out til mine expires. my current one says my payment and connection info is separate. no way to verify that but at this point, i've been with them over a year and if they were lying, i would be well and truly fucked anyway lol

  • Brickfrog@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    11 months ago

    i know the bitcoin atm’s and banks do “know your customer” stuff (basically they id you first)

    Depends on your area so make sure to double-check. Many (most?) BTMs only require KYC for larger amounts. e.g. buying $800+ might require KYC, buying less than $800 may only require text message verification. For text messages you can buy a temporary burner phone with cash, or if you're lucky you can find a SMS service that works with the BTM - just be aware most BTMs don't work with virtual SMS phone numbers.

    Or your other option is maybe buy bitcoin via cash by mail, some crypto trading websites/platforms offer that.

    Or going non crypto you could technically just purchase a pre-paid credit card with cash, you'd just need to make sure the card would work with whatever services you are subscribing to.

    Cash is still more anonymous than cryptocurrency, I suppose you can ask the services you're subscribing to if they accept cash by mail (I don't know of any offhand).

    PS - Not sure if your post is breaking rules here, this Lemmy instance is anti-cryptocurrency and does have a rule forbidding crypto shill topics. But it might be okay if you're just asking a general question.

    • max2078@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      11 months ago


      I buy BTC on ATMs without KYC (1000 bucks is the KYC limit). Scan your wallet, $$$ in, that's it. Fees are around 8%.

  • sider222@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    11 months ago

    I'm assuming you are concerned about UTXOs and how the crypto analytics companies can trace your BTC. I highly recommend looking up on YouTube, check out Matt Crater from Bitcoin University (has a course on that) and Sparrow wallet mixing service.

    Essentially, you can purchase everything normally like everyone else does but use a mixer to anonymize your BTC on Blockchain before moving safely into your hardware wallet.

    Definitely get a cold storage wallet.

    • drunkensailor@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      11 months ago

      ok, XMR then. sorry, very new to crypto stuff. how do you get it anon? do you use site the other guy recommended? mine it? something else?

      i heard somewhere that mining is hard unless you spend lot of money on hw but wasn't sure if i could do something like that for smaller amounts like $100 every 6 months or something.

      • FredericChopin_@feddit.uk
        11 months ago

        You could get a regular crypto account. It’s been a while so I’m not sure but Binance perhaps.

        They do operate with KYC (Know you customer) do you can buy XMR here but you should move it from that wallet to an anonymous one.

        Depending on what you are doing it with it you could use a simple app that generates wallets for you. Or you can use a cold storage device.

        Never make purchases from a wallet linked to the account where you deposit real money. But if you transfer it out to different XMR wallets then it’s better.

        This is from memory and likely wrong it places. Do your own research on how to be anonymous.

        I’m not saying this is your use case but looking for guides in using XMR on Darkweb markets should give you all the information you require.

        Google things like how to buy XMR anon etc. how to create anon wallets and store them.

        You got this OP.