After seeing some of the comments coming from it I've added it to our blocklist.

For the record: the only good transphobe is a dead transphobe.

Have a good day everyone!

    11 months ago

    Does anyone not see that you're giving these people attention with these posts? Just block em. I'd literally never seen or heard of that instance until people started posting about it. I visited it out of curiosity and sorted by top all time and they didn't have any posts with over 20 up votes. It's a small dead instance just block it, but stop giving it attention.

    • Doug [he/him]
      11 months ago

      What attention are you objecting to? Is it the "we defederated with them" attention that explains what happened or the "this is why" attention that, well, explains why?

      Both of these are big parts of the transparency of Lemmy which I'd much rather see continue

      11 months ago

      Federation info is public, and people will ask questions.

      “Defederated from unadministered instance X” is exactly the kind of message I would expect to see.

      Kicking transphobes just because is a nice added bonus.