• chumbaz@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    What an odd take.

    Every dev I know must be terrified of technology as they all use apple laptops. I don’t love apple but they make a pretty sweet *nix laptop for dev work.

  • boonhet@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Windows isn't afraid of tech, but MacOS is? Give me a break, the Unix style terminal is the reason for using MacOS professionally.

    • words_number@programming.dev
      1 year ago

      Honestly, most windows users I know at least know where their files are stored and stuff like that. Average Mac users don't know if something is synced with the cloud or not and can't unpack a rar archive without calling support because they are deliberately kept dumb by that restrictive, overly oppinionated, lock-in OS and unrepairable, un-upgradable hardware ecosystem. I'm using linux as daily driver on laptop and desktop for almost a decade now and I hate windows with a passion, but mac manages to be even worse. Although windows is also getting worse with every version since win7, so they might be on par soon...

      • railsdev@programming.dev
        1 year ago

        The defaults on Finder are terrible; you’ve just got to have it not default to the “All My Files” view.

        As for your RAR archive scenario I’m wondering if you’re talking about System 9 or something? Lol

    • GlenTheFrog@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Depends on the person. Most of the people I know who use MacOS, use it as a glorified Facebook machine. Outside of perhaps Word, they only use the web browser.

      • railsdev@programming.dev
        1 year ago

        That’s what I always read but literally the only people I see using them are developers like me.

        At work many use Windows but they’re Java developers; they can have that mess.

  • railsdev@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    I don’t understand why Apple gets so much shit.

    Sorry I want a well-managed UNIX system with a nice GUI while not coding? I don’t want to deal with configuration hell, malware and viruses or all the other trash Windows brings with it.

    I’m a programmer and I adore being able to use most UNIX and Linux software. As a regular user (not programming) I don’t need to babysit my OS and I get all the magic with interoperability between all my devices.

    As for privacy I get all that on macOS with mobile profiles, VPN’s, ad blocking, etc.

    • wolf@lemmy.zip
      1 year ago

      I am literally forced to use Apple at work. I can life with an iPhone, because I use it just for its intended, dumped down usage and I overcame the annoyance about Apples fascism (alternative web engine). If you are not able to automate 100% of your setup on a proper UNIX machine, please do the programming community a favor and switch your line of work. Apple is such a shit show: no keyboard driven workflow w/o extensive customization, how the fuck can I automate 100% of the the setup/customization, why the fuck do I have to upgrade every fucking single program interactively with a click, why are the package managers homebrew and macports as shitshow like Linux 25 years ago, why is macOS so bloated and fucking slow on a machine, why is the development experience for mac worse than Visual Studio 6 (!), Finder is such a sad joke compared to file managers on every other OS or DE, why can I not easily enable transparent file compression when I am a grown up user etc etc etc. Seriously, macOS is nice for consumers with too much money. The literally only thing macOS does which I envy is the tag system which works. Don't get me wrong, Linux is also a shit show, but compared to macOS it is like the best thing ever.

      • railsdev@programming.dev
        1 year ago

        Okay 🤣

        Apple is fascist and doesn’t let you customize as much as you want to now it’s a shitshow.

        Honestly for someone who wants keyboard shortcuts so badly you seemed to have forgotten about the enter/return key.

  • boratul@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    bro why is kali in the "you have no life" section ?? Everyone knows ethical hackers get all the girls

    • manapropos@lemmy.sdf.org
      1 year ago

      I went to school in cybersecurity (ended up being a run of the mill web dev) and the people who ran Kali knew the least. I blame Mr Robot