The ministries also suggest considering the prohibition of public meetings related to the anniversaries of the aggressor state, Russia, or events where symbols associated with acts of aggression, genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes are planned to be displayed.

This could mean a ban on victory day celebrations, and quite possibly restrictions on Soviet and Russian paraphernalia.

Estonia is increasing it's attacks on its Russian minority rights and it is appalling to say the least

  • huf [he/him]
    1 day ago

    or events where symbols associated with acts of aggression, genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes are planned to be displayed.

    mysteriously this will not apply to the yearly nazi demonstrations

    1 day ago

    I could be mistaken, I am not an expert on Estonia by any stretch so please correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding was that they were already one of the more fascist leaning EU countries. Which is a...questionably impressive feat.

    2 days ago

    And when Russia complains about the blatant discrimination they will act like their nose is bleeding. It's so annoying to see the west dismantle the little piece of democracy that we have.