• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlM
    6 days ago

    The gradual dawning upon liberals that their cherished notion of living in a functioning democracy is nothing but an illusion is a perpetually amusing spectacle, providing endless entertainment for those who have long recognized the harsh realities of political power structures of capitalist society.

    • DeanFogg@lemm.ee
      6 days ago

      Tankies minds exploding when it dawns on them it was never capitalism but human's shitty nature

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlM
        6 days ago

        Ah yes, the HuMaN NaturE argument, how very original! It’s hilarious how liberals recycle the same handful of talking points, demonstrating a severe lack of originality.

  • oxjox@lemmy.ml
    6 days ago

    So, would official acts as president be legal by definition? Would there be such a thing as an official act as president that may otherwise be criminal?

    And how does the ruling protect against treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors (specifically, the past part)? How is this ruling not in direct contrast to the constitution?

    • silent_water [she/her]
      6 days ago

      So, would official acts as president be legal by definition?

      yes, and further that any exercise of constitutional authority is an official act.

      Would there be such a thing as an official act as president that may otherwise be criminal?

      in the prosecutable sense? no. the president is no longer bound by congressional authority.

      And how does the ruling protect against treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors (specifically, the past part)?

      courts won't do shit about it, congress will have to (lmao)

      How is this ruling not in direct contrast to the constitution?

      the constitution is toilet paper and always has been. scotus just wiped some diarrhea with it.

    • stewie3128@lemmy.ml
      6 days ago

      The job of President throughout the 20th century has involved committing crimes. If they gave that away, then all of these ghouls could potentially be prosecuted.

      In the future, the former President could go to jail for the next version of Iran-Contra... and we couldn't possibly allow that to happen.

  • CableMonster@lemmy.ml
    6 days ago

    To explain this from my understanding because most of the comments are silly and incorrect. It doesnt give the president complete immunity from crimes, it prevents the president from being prosecuted by other politicians while in office. So a DA of a state cant directly charge and get a conviction of a president. This actually makes sense so that no branch has control over the other branch directly. Instead the president has to get impeached and then thrown out of office before they are procesuted.

  • PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
    5 days ago

    This has always been the case. There is a specific way that congress can put a check on POTUS. Liberals being told how the government works and has always worked, and suddenly getting upset. I'm sure they will vote harder then they have ever voted before to fix it this time.

    • giacomo@lemm.ee
      5 days ago

      let's all come together and vote for the candidate they offer! that will surely make things suck less!