like I lived through the brick to flip phone to smartphone era, but I can't remember what features I was looking at on these flip phones when I was deciding which one to buy. do you guys remember?

    3 months ago

    Cared about:

    • Camera quality
    • Audio playback (Can it do MP3 ringtones?)
    • Looks and size (more important than anything else!)

    Didn't care about:

    • Screen resolution
    • Processor specs
    • Onboard memory (because the assumption was all those photos and videos were going on an SD card)
        3 months ago

        Haha yeah.

        Honestly though, while I'd certainly look through my photos when I was bored on the train (having no Internet on phones then of course) that was never the intent of how I expected those photos to be viewed.

        I'd regularly transfer all the photos to my PC and that's what I considered the "real" way to look at them, and email them from there to other people.