Getting called a wumao just warms the cockles of my heart, I have to admit.

  • Krause [he/him]
    1 year ago

    the CPC is holding back China's development

    god fucking damn, if 5.2% GDP growth projected by the IMF for 2023 + 45 uninterrupted years without a recession is "holding back" imagine what "real growth" looks like

    Show deng stare

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    1 year ago

    You know every single episode like 5 times they will say, "and we aren't talking about the Chinese people, the Chinese people are good people, we love China, we are opposed to the CCP

    What are they saying that they need to clarify 5 times in every episode that they don't hate Chinese people??

    My, "I'm not racist against Chinese people" T-shirt has a lot of people asking questions already answered by the shirt.

      1 year ago

      Obviously it's all part of the evil government campaign to censor them, but it is a sacrifice they are willing to make for the people they definitely don't hate. The white man's burden is very heavy afterall.

  • forcequit [she/her]
    1 year ago

    reposting my comment from another thread on these losers a month ago

    sexpat "videographer" vibes from them all








      1 year ago

      I actually did, they were handwaved away as "well, everyone makes racist jokes with their friends, it doesn't mean they are racist! Plus that was all in the past!". The cliches were overwhelming.

      I said my piece and moved on. Anyone seeing the thread can see proof that laowhy is a racist piece of shit, so job accomplished. The argument was more for anyone who might think those guys were an authority on anything about China.