Now the climate crisis is self-evident, a common argument by those who STILL defend polluters is that “NZ is too small to make a difference, and so shouldn’t have to stop intensive dairy farming or driving Ford rangers to school in Auckland”

Rod Carr destroys it in this mic-drop moment.

    1 year ago

    Here, I zoomed the chart out a bit so you can get the real picture

    I am glad for you that you can be 100% confident about what will happen in the future!

    Yes I am 100% confident that we will not upend capitalism just like you are 100% confident the world will not emit any CO2 by 2050.

    We’ve been discussing whether society as a whole can do anything about climate change, and you’ve been arguing that there’s absolutely nothing we can do.

    You can do whatever you want. It won't undo the damage and it won't help.