and this shit is hard as fuck yall lmao super pretty tho
nsfw is spoiler tag for elden ring dlc
please don't tell me anything about the dlc i'll cry if you do
and this shit is hard as fuck yall lmao super pretty tho
nsfw is spoiler tag for elden ring dlc
please don't tell me anything about the dlc i'll cry if you do
The one thing about the dlc that disappoints is how late-game it becomes accessible, because there's so many cool new weapons and armors to play with
The thing that disappointed me is how bleed seems to still be optimal and it's never more apparent than
the final boss. I only respec'd once in the whole DLC to try a dex weapon and then the final boss was so outrageous I couldn't adapt and had to respec again into a bleed build. I 3-tried Messmer and 4-tried Bayle. Final boss felt impossible to me