    1 year ago


    Putin later stated that the Russian authorities would not prosecute Prigozhin or his troops, and offered Wagner fighters a choice to either sign contracts with Russia’s Defense Ministry or other security agencies, return home, or move to neighboring Belarus.

    Putin literally offered what I said some troops might do.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      1 year ago

      Yeah, that's different from your claim that there would be a wagner in Belarus. Anybody with a couple of brain cells to bang together understands that Belarus wouldn't want a rogue PMC any more than Russia would after what happened. It's frankly stunning that you can't understand that and still trying to pretend like you had a valid point. The fact that you're still commenting on this thread is kind of hilarious. Seems like it's living rent free in your head.

        1 year ago

        Where did I say there would be Wagner in Belarus?

        How many brain cells do you need to bang together before you start seeing sense?