Die russische Propaganda wird ausgerechnet durch eine neue Daten-Plattform im Auftrag des Habeck-Ministeriums gestützt. Sie zeigt: Die westlichen Sanktionen verpuffen bislang. Dennoch gibt es gute Gründe, daran festzuhalten.
Reminds me of Prohibition and how violent it got all because Americans couldn't get booze. To this day, I don't doubt there'd be an uprising if they ever tried that again here. We're dependent on bread and circuses, and we project like no other.
Reminds me of Prohibition and how violent it got all because Americans couldn't get booze. To this day, I don't doubt there'd be an uprising if they ever tried that again here. We're dependent on bread and circuses, and we project like no other.
More snacks and projection than a drive-in movie theater.