Die russische Propaganda wird ausgerechnet durch eine neue Daten-Plattform im Auftrag des Habeck-Ministeriums gestützt. Sie zeigt: Die westlichen Sanktionen verpuffen bislang. Dennoch gibt es gute Gründe, daran festzuhalten.
It is truly astonishing to consider how anyone could believe that Russians would rise up over frivolous matters like this.
It is on a logical level, but it's also so much like typical feel-good story which Germans tell themselves about the end of the DDR and reunification. The story goes that life sucked in the DDR because people didn't have frivolous material goods, so the people rebelled and were rewarded by reunifying with the west.
It is on a logical level, but it's also so much like typical feel-good story which Germans tell themselves about the end of the DDR and reunification. The story goes that life sucked in the DDR because people didn't have frivolous material goods, so the people rebelled and were rewarded by reunifying with the west.
That's a good point I haven't considered. There's already an underlying mythology this narrative taps into.