Seeing mixed reports about the head of wagner rolling into Rostov, Russia. All kinds of other rumors swirling around. Anyone have any good info, or good sources to follow?

    1 year ago

    Well some parts of Wagner apparently tried the dumbest semi-coup against the MoD. Seems like this was known in advance, because some videos, etc by the RAF were spread immediately. Western media reacted so fast, it looks kinda sus too, especially factoring in that Navalny called on the Russian military to join Wagner.

    Also Putin being the revisionist he is dared to compare this to February 1917.

    1 year ago

    I listened to the Putin speech where he referenced 1917. I know he's not a fan of the Bolsheviks, but it seems he took issue with the violence of the civil war and the incompetence of the Empire than the actions of the Bolsheviks, at least that's my reading of it.

      1 year ago

      He’s worried that he’s going to get couped in a similar style to the Tsar, because all things considered, the Bolsheviks were an extremely weak fighting force compared to the Imperial army, but after their ranks were bolstered by defectors from WW1, and with the popular will of the people, they were able to sweep the Whites aside with relative ease.

        1 year ago

        they were able to sweep the Whites aside with relative ease.

        In Petersburg at first yeah. But the civil war was incredibly hard. If whites actually managed to coordinate even with themselves, not to mention with intervents, they would probably won. Hell, the worst moment in war was when Yudenich managed to somewhat coordinate with Kolchak, and even then Kolchak fucked it up by being stuck up imperialist pig.

    1 year ago

    This is the inevitible result of nations wholly relying on mercenary groups to fight their wars. As major powers, not just Russia, continue to rely on privatized militaries these militaries are going to become emboldened and realize how much power they have over their capitalist financiers.

    The other day I was listening to an old episode of The Deprogram where they talked about this. Surreal to see it actually happening now.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      1 year ago

      Yeah, a bit hard to tell what's actually going on with that. Things will probably clear up within a day or two. Does appear that it is serious given Putin's address.

        1 year ago

        True. Mostly, though, I just want my mind to pass the "WTF" phase first before I start processing the event.

        Like...I know Prigozhin is nuts, but...WTF?

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          1 year ago

          The fact that he was allowed to operate as long as he did is the real failure in my opinion. He should've never been allowed to go to the front lines and build himself up the way he did, and once he started making unhinged statements that should've been the end of it months ago. It's absolutely surreal that they let it get this far.