I don't mean to be flippant, but do do you know they don't like you, or do they just not care about you. It's both a liberating and disheartening day when you discover no one gives a shit about you.
Save your farts for when they're close by.
But seriously...
Romans 12:20 NIV “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”
I don't think that means you will harm them, but that you will cause them to bake in their own anger.
Just to not underestimate anything they do when it comes to impact.
Stop caring. There is nobody you could be that will please everybody, and if there was...there'd be nothing of you left as you morphed to fit the situation and company around you. Just be yourself and ignore their passive aggressive BS or avoid if possible.
(yes, it is that simple but still harder than it sounds. Ask yourself "Do I need to give a shit about this?" and the answer will usually be no.)
At work? Tell them „I know you don’t like me, I don’t like you either, but let’s just be professional here and then go on with our lives“
That would be my plan B. Plan A would be turn up my politeness and niceness knobs up for a little while. Maybe they're going through a rough time and it's temporary. After a sufficient amount of time to ensure it's not an anomaly, then go for the direct conversation. It usually pays off to give the other person the benefit of the doubt for a little bit, but not forever. It stopped me from being so reactive.
Any tips on dealing with people that don't like you?
I would normally order my goons to deal with them.
Borrow something from then. Then, when you return it, be very grateful, and maybe give a bottle or chocolates or say you owe them one.
After that they will be nicer to you.