
When the USS Enterprise investigates an attack on a colony at the edge of Federation space, Captain Pike and his crew face the return of a formidable enemy.

Written by Henry Alonso Myers

Directed by Maja Vrvilo

  • GaiusGornicusCaesar@startrek.website
    1 year ago

    A cliffhanger... I was hoping they wouldn't introduce those. I expect Sam and M'Benga will be the only one who makes it out alive... expecting to see Sulu and Chekov introduced soon.

    Edit: Also the "They've been beamed up... by the gorn" and Pike standing there has the potential to be one of the most horrifying cliffhangers in Star Trek.

    2nd Edit: Not Chekov....

        • angstrom@startrek.website
          1 year ago

          Chekov was on the Enterprise during s1. Continuity with TWOK requires it. Plus some of the star dates for s2 episodes that starred Chekov where set before the star date for Space Seed.

          But yes at this point we are ~6 years before TOS so Chekov would be in his late teens.

          • GaiusGornicusCaesar@startrek.website
            1 year ago

            That's true, TWOK requires him being on Enterprise for Season 1, or at least Space Seed. I wouldn't hold stardates too closely since they basically pulled them out of a hat and used whatever was pulled. But he would be in his late teens.

    • StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website
      1 year ago

      Also not Sulu if Sam Kirk is hanging around. Sulu was some kind of xenobiologist (xenobotanist?) in the opening episodes of TOS. The move to alpha shift helmsman came later.