Most sophisticated Isra*li propagandist

  • The firebombing of Tokyo, and the nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were totally genocide events. The Japanese military had already been in total disarray since the Nazis and fascists fell and the war was already understood as lost and Japanese military were drafting a surrender. But the US saw that the USSR had taken advantage of the fact that the British and French were cooked, Germany, and Italy defeated and Spain still recovering from the civil war, meaning basically anyone that could stop them in Europe had been neutralized. So Moscow, despite being EXHAUSTED by one of the most brutal wars in world history, kept pressing on and liberating Eastern Europe.

    The US had the nuke though by then, but it was completed far too late to really be used in battle. The US Army and Navy were constantly pressing the President to authorize their use, but Truman refused on the grounds that they’ll look cruel. However when Truman was informed on what the USSR was doing, he had the political urgency to finish the theater of war with Japan ASAP, he couldn’t target military facilities… not enough shock value… it would have to deliberately target civilians. The US only possessed those two bombs but had all the material and know-how to make 2 to 4 bombs a week if needed, however the Japanese didn’t know how many the US had or not. So the US committed a Japanese genocide by annihilating the three most populated cities in the nation, with the intent to be seen as so brutal that they surrender immediately so the US can concentrate on holding down Europe. Especially since many of the American military top brass were convinced that the US and USSR were going to go to war in Europe because the US just wasn’t going to allow the Soviets to take over Britain and France especially but Empires throughout history that the US desperately wanted to command under the new “Pax Americana”…

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      5 months ago

      The firebombing of Tokyo, and the nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were totally genocide events.

      About as many German civilians died in the storming of Berlin as Japanese civilians from the bombing of Hiroshima. Is the Battle of Berlin also a "genocide" event?

      The Japanese military had already been in total disarray since the Nazis and fascists fell and the war was already understood as lost and Japanese military were drafting a surrender.

      Where are these drafts now? Surely there would be copies if they were ever sent out. What terms were being proposed? Were the drafts ever approved or even seen by the Emperor and his war council? Someone with a title starting the write a piece of paper is meaningless.

      As for all the American historiography of their motivations, I find it extremely convenient that most of them were published or came to light around the time of the Korean War when America was trying to justify the rearmament of Japan. If the Americans are willing to pave over all Wehrmacht atrocities to justify the Bundeswher, I have no doubt that they would be willing to play the heel for Japanese rearmament.

      The real proof that can't be fakef that the Americans knew that Japan was not down and out was that planning and logistics for Operation Downfall, the nnvasion of Japan, continued apace right up until the Japanese formal surrender. This included well documented actions like transferring landing ships to the USSR as well as corroborating statements in 1945 given to the Chinese, Soviet, and British governments.

      While I do not dispute that American use and targeting of the abombs had political motivations, that does not automatically make inverse true where there was no military reason for their use.