How much finance is needed and what's the procedure to do so (not medical but how to approach the professionals)? Is Switzerland the only place where accepts foreigners and did they have any successful cases who used any inherited neurobiological disorder as a reason?
Thanks for your help and I would like to know more about euthanasia too. Have a nice day.
So with Exit, you need to have been diagnosed by a psychiatrist. So it probably takes some time, and that time has to be obviously paid. After that, a second psychiatrist checks the diagnosis for any errors. And the third actor is going to be a regular doctor, double checking for errors. If all goes well, you get the death cocktail. As things can go wrong with that, you should be accompanied by someone experienced. Exit provides this assistance free of charge, as they use donations and membership fees to pay for that.
I cannot tell you about what diseases are successful. Usually, psychological issues are not enough to get the diagnosis you need. You need to be heavily impacted by it and there has to be no cure.
I believe Australia recently approved a law which allows for assisted dying, however, I'm not 100% sure if that's the case and if so, whether foreigners are allowed or in which state does it work.
My recommendation would be to search online for an End Of Life Companion or a Death Doula. They will be able to provide you with the information you seek, free, and if you wish, they can also assist you in person for a fee.
Good luck OP
I have no experience with this, but happened to have seen an interview with Ludwig Minelli, the founder of Dignitas (an organisation for assisted death). The man is 90+ and still fighting for this right. I believe I saw it in a video format, but I think this was the interview - I think it's worth a read.
I'd suggest you look up the contact for the various organisations and reach out with your situation and questions to see what they say. They're likely to be much better sources of information.