• recipe for becoming a marx

    1. get job
    2. think "why do people just accept spending half of your life working some pointless job with no sign of conditions improving"
    3. somehow find lectures on socialism
    4. find /r/socialism
    5. hmmm maybe we should have worker coops that'd be swell
    6. find out that imperialism is a thing
    7. learn that amerika is the worst thing in the recorded history of humanity
    8. someone says china not bad
    9. wait what do you mean china not bad
    10. hang on maybe china really do be not bad
    11. whoa i think i may be a gommusim now
    12. permanently damage relationship with liberal family
    13. weep bitterly in a corner for three days and nights
    14. congratulations, you are now a marxism and will never feel comfortable in your country again