Our next immediate goal is to purchase 100 acres of land on the reservation for the warehouse/distribution center, a food forest/communal farm, more construction projects for basic infrastructure, and the necessary legal fees and a lawyer to procure a buffalo pasture so that we can stop relying on white ranchers commodifying the necessities for ceremonial practices.

Will post updates when we get the next round of fundraising going, but considering it only took us two weeks to raise our first 10k I'm confident we will be able to do this and I will be returning next year.

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Will keep you in mind. Granted it's very early days so we are being very deliberate in our vetting process but once we procure the land the biggest thing we need is labor.

    CW meat/animal slaughter

    We actually got a whole buffalo for the ceremony and fed over 100 people for a whole week and they made a new cloak for the medicine man from the hide.

    Also our next big long term goal is to procure a semi-truck/trailer to facilitate transportation of supplies, and in the future if we get more pockets of parallel power like this off the ground, supply lines between them. We have two certified long haul truck drivers already.

    At the risk of counting chickens before they hatch this really feels like the beginning of something truly revolutionary.

    Also also, this project is a vindication of my/our left unity policy. I spent the last weeks around a campfire hashing out the details of this organization with Maoists, MLs, decolonial Marxists, and indigenous elders and of course myself the anarchist of the bunch.

    We must set aside petty grievances and terminally online shit and get to work. We have proven just over the last two weeks that we can do this even if we have our own struggle sessions and disagreements, they are miniscule in the face of the work that we all know needs to be done.

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Nice. We also built one of these https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=RlPSEfcz718

        Ours was way fucking better than this one though, somehow I forgot to take a picture =(

        We built it about twice as deep and had a whole grill over the top.

        We filled it in when we left and the guy whose house we were camping in front of was like "why did you fill that in, that was perfect!"

    • Catfish [she/her]@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Best of luck with your project! The first 5 years are the hardest. I don't know if your project is a commune or something else but if you're creating a commune remember that you aren't the first to have done it and there are many examples to learn from. Most of them are examples of what not to do but they're examples nonetheless. If a commune is what you're creating, my DMs are open and I may have advice.

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Thanks and no we are not building a commune, we are helping build out infrastructure on the reservation, though I may move out there eventually if all goes well.