Basically the title**

    2 years ago

    4-6, then 1-3, then go play Knights of the Old Republic. MMO is not even bad too, and you can get most of the plot for free. Mandalorian is good, Rogue One and even Solo are passable. I don't like the Clone Wars cartoon, probably because i hate the drawing style. Sequels... ugh. Ep7 is utter trash and disappointment, and while i don't hate ep 8 and 9, literally nothing could save that enormous clusterfuck after the Ep7 being such an unholy critical mass of blunders it turn into the galactic scale black hole of NOPE.

    I quite enjoyed the books of old expanded universe, their level was varying, but they were unmistakably still SW.

      2 years ago

      MMO is varied to say the least. Since every class has its own unique story line in vanilla game and their writing is... Uh... Different. With Republican storylines being mostly a boring slog with some bright exceptions and Empire stealing most of the show with their Sith Knight and Imperial Agent storylines. Where your story choices ACTUALLY change up things very noticably and drastic difference can be seen in terms of how story is delivered depending on which side of the force you are leaning towards (yes, you can be a light side user disguised as a space nazi basically).

      It's nothing particularly exceptional though. Up until Knights of the Eternal Throne, which is honestly great and is on par with the original KOTOR and to a certain extension KOTOR2. Since, you know, they actually brought back the original Bioware writers and allowed them to do whatever the hell they wanted with it.

        2 years ago

        Since, you know, they actually brought back the original Bioware writers and allowed them to do whatever the hell they wanted with it.

        Ah so that's what it was.