They seem to be using /r/genUSA and /r/enoughcommiespam to organize these.

    2 年前

    If there's a single silver lining in reddit having its Viacom corporate overlords, maybe they'll block and ban an asshole proudly breaking US law to interfere with someone's freedom of speech...

    2 年前

    That thread is pure cope. Especially this:

    I am ashamed to see these people appropriating Free (as in free speech) software. Software that empowers communication MUST frame itself as open and welcoming to people of differing political beliefs (within reason), otherwise it alienates more than it empowers. When the developers actively fund and support the largest server, and constrain that server to be of such a specific and notorious political bent that is completely unrelated to software freedom, their messaging is clear.

    I've never seen anyone so mad about people using free shit for its intended purpose. Ancaps should be in the circus.

    • Muad'
      2 年前

      differing political beliefs (within reason)

      For the developers of lemmy, that means no racism, sexism, etc. Which is far too "authoritarian" for redditors.

      2 年前

      Software that empowers communication MUST frame itself as open and welcoming to people of differing political beliefs (within reason)

      The funny thing is that this is exactly what Lemmy is doing.

  • Black
    2 年前

    Y'know, if I had any faith in the executive branch of this cursed anglo nation, I'd be putting in so many tips you'd think I turned informant. Yankee devils hung Aaron Swartz in a prison cell under CFAA for some shit like what these reactionary locusts are doing right now; I'd say they deserve what happened to Swartz more than Swartz did.

    • Muad'
      2 年前

      It was pretty stupid of that user to say publicly that they're doing it. But really we just need to keep an eye on them and beef up our defenses.