There are a lot of news articles about "back to the office", but they recirculate the same bad ideas. Let's provide some new ideas for the media to circulate. It may also have the effect of making the office less terrible.

I would like my work computer to do Windows updates lightning quick in the office. It currently takes weeks, in or out of the office. Stopping in for a day makes no difference, so there is no point. Now, if there was a point, I would go in.

What would get you in the office?

    1 year ago

    This is a question about my past. What made me go back to the office was having not one but two little kids at home. The office is a much more quiet space.

    The commute does not bother me much, it’s 12 minutes by bike, half the trip trough forest.

      1 year ago

      This is me except I have 15 minutes and half is through fields. Biking to and from work are often the highlights of my day.

      I'm hoping to be home more often now that both the kids start preschool after the summer though.