Has someone or something stolen from you? Do you know who/what it was? Did it affect you? Do you care?

Doesn't have to be serious.

Share your stories!

  • ____@infosec.pub
    2 months ago

    The value of my labor, daily.

    The nominal “cost” of my healthcare, at every encounter.


    • cashmaggot@piefed.social
      2 months ago

      Yeah, that's true. I once read an essay by a dyke who was a construction worker and wondered what life would be like if people just did the work they were interested in and everyone got paid a flat rate. I'm not sure it would work, but it is something to think on.

  • Urist@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Yes! Two days ago, someone stole my bike. That is, I had parked it (and locked it) in a bike garage monitored by CCTV at the train station where I commute and when I came back from work my bike was gone and only my broken lock was left. However, as I looked around a little the thieves had not moved it far, only down a floor into the premium "bike hotel" area that is an actual locked in area as well. So I just called the company, and they let me in and gave me my bike back.

    Afterwards, I called the police to let them know someone stole my bike and that the whole ordeal was caught on cameras (they have to open an official investigation before the footage can be used due to surveillance laws). As I tried to report the theft (or attempt thereof), I had the following fun conversation with a policeman:

    • Me: Explains the circumstances of what happened.
    • Policeman: (Interrupts) "Yeah, maybe you should keep that in mind for next time."
    • Me: "Uhm what?"
    • Policeman: "Yeah, maybe you should be a little bit smarter with regards to where you put your bike."
    • Me: "Uhm OK, I just told you I put it in the designated parking spot that, as pointed out, is monitored."

    I get that they do not really care about bike theft as they account for 30% of reported thefts, but I mean come on. They obviously moved my bike (along with others, I assume) to a nearby area so they could collect them all in a van later that night and drive off unnoticed. The police could have sent one patrol there at the right time and have them caught red-handed with video footage of the entire ordeal. Incompetence and unwillingness to actually do their work is precisely why there are so many thefts to begin with. Had I said I was a shop owner and had a bike stolen, I am certain they would show up in no time.

    TL;DR: Bike got stolen and the police sucks. Thankfully, the thieves sucked marginally less, so I got my bike back.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.social
      2 months ago

      a) Glad you got your bike back.

      b) I know for a while they sold a thing for bikes to identify them and get stolen bikes back. But I am not sure the system really works and I think it's on a sticker. And can't you just peel off any sticker @_@!

      c) Cops suck hard at things they find inconvenient to them. I didn't know the reports were that high. I think it's because you're actively messing with a person's means of transportation, that they get reported so much. But nowadays cops don't show up for car accidents. So it's really hit or miss in general.

      d) I loved imagining this inconspicuous scrapper-esq van that whisks away all the stolen bikes with the little punk ass thieves thinking they got you so they moved on to the next one. Maybe in you figuring out their bs they might move their bike-hotel to another space.

  • maegul (he/they)@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Yep. Fucking hate thieves

    Pushbike stolen ... Many times. Once was kinda my fault for leaving it out, but every other time it was some removed working hard to get a push bike. Every time I only found out just when I was going to the bike to go some where. One time, the bike was in a secure garage with two gates and the fucker secretly tail gated a car on foot to get in and then waited for another car to leave to tailgate them.

    Motorbike stolen ... it was a cheap and nasty one but still

    Apartment broken into ... 18th birthday present fancy watch stolen along gaming console

    • cashmaggot@piefed.social
      2 months ago

      Nah, never your fault. You were just being you. Humans make mistakes. Assholes just take advantage of that fact. That garage bit there is why I always tell my girlfriend safety is an illusion. Cause like you could have some Fort Knox shit going on, and still get absolutely screwed out of something. I mean, I'm still locking my doors. I'm not saying like...I'm not, but you know - if people see something they want they'll work their damndest to get it. I'm sorry people kept hitting you up, but I hope things are somewhat better now? At least on the homefront. I don't know about bikes, cause those things are still being stolen like crazy.

      • maegul (he/they)@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        Cheers! Yea things are all good. The way bikes are stolen is crazy though. I’ve known otherwise reasonable people that honestly believed any bike they found that was not locked was free game. Not friends with them anymore.

        • cashmaggot@piefed.social
          2 months ago

          Hahaha! I had an ex who said they grew up with a neighborhood bike - because there was one, and all the kids took turns stealing it from one another =P!!!!

          Someone on here said like 30% of stolen goods are bikes. Look at at least 30% of the things stolen here. Makes me laugh! But in a kinda "life's a beach" way. It's crazy.

          On the friends thing, doesn't it make you wonder sometimes if they ever grew out of it or are out here acting as agents of chaos in ways we might feel but do not know =P!? Cheers!

          • maegul (he/they)@lemmy.ml
            1 month ago

            On the friends thing, doesn’t it make you wonder sometimes if they ever grew out of it or are out here acting as agents of chaos in ways we might feel but do not know =P!? Cheers!

            All the time.

            Hunter S Thompson once said “in a world of thieves the only final sin is getting caught”

  • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    Besides the obvious like surplus labour value being stolen by my boss I've been stolen from a couple of times. I had my car broken into once (I accidentally left it unlocked since I had a family emergency to get to), they stole my jacket and some change out of the cup holder. I didn't really care since I had more tragic matters to deal with at the time and if they needed to steal my jacket they needed it more than me. I was/am lucky enough to have a spare so I really didn't think much about it. They did leave a half carton of coffee creamer behind though, I was a little confused about that

  • ped_xing [he/him]
    2 months ago

    My surplus labor value at my first job, my second job, a few jobs in between and my current job.

  • ⚛️ Color 🎨@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    I had my art stolen and combined with other stolen art by an AI image prompter. Some of my work is very personal to me and I have zero tolerance for art thieves.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.social
      1 month ago

      Ngl, I stopped posting stuff pretty much as a whole because of bots and thieves and shit heads. But then again, they're gunna steal all of this (text-based) stuff and talk like a shit-eating hooker so muwahahahaha!

      Sorry that they did you like that. I'm not even sure what to do in the end because even if you crop your art for litigation and ownership - who you gunna sue? It really is crazy though because I believe creative endeavors are copyright the second idea hits the "paper."

  • UKFilmNerd@feddit.uk
    2 months ago

    Living with a friend, in the first place after moving out of our parents places. He smoked weed but that didn't bother me. However, one night he invited in the local weed dealer and I was really concerned but he assured me it was ok.

    We both worked at the same company, so came home at the same time a day or so later to find the front door was open. They smashed the small decorative window which allowed them to reach in and unlock and open the door.

    I can't remember what they stole from my friend but I lost my GameCube, controllers and all the games. Also, my first portable minidisc player and a pair of cheap earphones I used with them which I absolutely loved. The wire was like string and rarely tangled.

    I had a few imported US games and I thought they might give me the edge. I rang all the local game shops to see if anyone had tried to bulk sell the lot but I was unlucky.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.social
      2 months ago

      Ugh, I am sorry. Especially on those imports, that must have cost an arm and a leg. I talked about a friend who lost everything to a drug-dealer's crappy behaviors. I also know someone who was dating someone who invited a random person from the streets to come hang with them and then all of a sudden they were freebasing in their living room. I think they're pretty lucky that things didn't go down like this down the road. Cause sketchy people do sketchy things =/

      Sorry again =/

  • 2xsaiko@discuss.tchncs.de
    2 months ago

    Someone stole my digital camera when I was a kid. I left it near the window at the place we were staying at for our vacation and someone must have grabbed it from the outside while we were gone. I was probably pretty mad about it back then. Nothing since, that I can remember right now at least.

  • punkaccountant@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    A coworker I didn’t particularly like, but we were able to work together fine, was leaving the job. On his last day…I came in to start my shift, he was ending his…we were the only two on staff (evening/nights job). I kept a box of ice cream sandwiches with my name on it in the work fridge for a mid-shift snack. Found out later in my shift that he ate the last one…put the wrapper in the box and left the box in the freezer. Not sure if it was personal or he was just a POS…but I was LIVID.

    Definitely more of a “mildly infuriating” one…but it sticks with me.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.social
      1 month ago

      Okay, let me play devil's advocate here. I love my wifey very much. But she also is fucking terrible when it comes to some things. Like, I just had to come to terms with it, because she is just so fucking bad about this. She will eat something, like all of that something. Whatever that something is. And just put it back. Like - the trash of it, back. Where ever she got it from. Use up all the rice? The bag goes back. But she has been doing this to me for almost ten years. So like...I am just used to it. *And she's impulsive bc we're both ADHD so like...if she wants something it will be hers.

      But anyways, she's also passive aggressive because I think she's from the land it's born in. Not my favorite thing, as an aggressive-aggressive human (=P) but I've just kinda like...come to terms with that too. That some people are just going to be out here expressing themselves like a rat that slunk away after taking a shit in your sandwich. But I also know I can rub folks a certain way and if they don't like me...eh. Probably the same thing, just done differently (as in I guess I'm actively taking shits in people's mouths instead =P). All things aside you might have rubbed this person the wrong way and they might have found this as the only way to "stick it to you" and get a little fuck you energy going before you left. But also could just be a real mindless dip who just saw something they wanted and went about it like a kid with their hand slammed into the cookie jar. So eh.

      But I hope you went out afterwards and got yourself the fattest fucking treat known to man and did a little dance too.

      People, people, people - if you're in a shared space and something isn't yours unless you've got explicit permission don't touch other people's shittttt! Someday there's gunna be a whole write up on these kinds of acts and there will be some medical terminology for it as we have to share spaces more and more as time goes on. (*Not just assholes and thieves or sandwich snookers)

      • punkaccountant@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        It was a while now at this point and I have wondered if there was some “he didn’t like me as much as I disliked him” energy. It does seem unlikely that it was unintentional since it’s not a home pantry where everything is yours and u can just be absent minded about it. We all grow and change…sometimes i think it sticks in my head more because I really wanna know the motivation more than anything else.

        Thanks for your insight!

        • cashmaggot@piefed.social
          1 month ago

          Yeah no worries! It's a silly one to think on. There's def some life stuff in there. And like I said, some folks are impulsive putzes so maybe it all came down to them being stressed out -> looking for some instant gratification -> eat da sammich -> happy!

          Hahahaha! I hope the rest of your day is chill =)

  • cashmaggot@piefed.social
    2 months ago

    For me, it was a punk ass who would steal stuff and call me his friend. Although I don't really care (only in that indignant small child way), I did tell my partner just the other day that "I bet you his ass is in jail." Well he is, in fact, he's actually in prison for murder. So yeah, that was a thing.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.social
      1 month ago

      Did it ever get better? Or stay the same? Cause I think sometimes about the heart as I heard it from a heartbroken guy on Rumblestrip Vermont. He said when it gets broken it's like you put it in a bag and smash it. And it's like china, you can only put it together so many times before it becomes dust. But personally, I've found I am miserable if I put myself there. And instead remind myself that there is no cap on love, and that it's a wellspring that we can all draw from.

      But also big hugs =(

      • ClassifiedPancake@discuss.tchncs.de
        1 month ago

        The second one was only 2 years ago unfortunately. I don’t trust strangers at all, which is sad because I know most people are generally nice.

        Stealing from other people should be punished with chopping their hands off, like the old days! (jk)

  • keepcarrot [she/her]
    2 months ago

    I don't think I have, but I'm always mildly irked by broke people stealing from other broke people instead of from people that can afford to replace the stolen whatever.

    I used to steal food from the local big chain supermarket.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.social
      2 months ago


      I don't know what I want to live in. Cause I have been open as a book, and gotten jacked up. Being closed off is most certainly not healthy either. And things are things. But I really wish people stayed in their lanes.