You must be American: the only left in this picture is the last guy (no, not Walter White) and he's a socialist. Liberals are center/center-right, liberals support capitalism, liberals are just another enemy of the left, when the fuck you will understand?
Yeah, I didn't make this meme. I just found it very funny because it is total satire. It just shows the absolute decadent state the left is in the USA. And yeah, I just assumed that Hasan being there was a just a joke to people saying that he is a billionaire or how Yugopnik says "Hassanabillionare" lol.
You must be American: the only left in this picture is the last guy (no, not Walter White) and he's a socialist. Liberals are center/center-right, liberals support capitalism, liberals are just another enemy of the left, when the fuck you will understand?
that's the point of the whole meme, to show how ridiculous the state of the 'left' is in the west. They are even labeled as such.
Yeah, I didn't make this meme. I just found it very funny because it is total satire. It just shows the absolute decadent state the left is in the USA. And yeah, I just assumed that Hasan being there was a just a joke to people saying that he is a billionaire or how Yugopnik says "Hassanabillionare" lol.