
    11 months ago

    In the most egregious cases, Chinese goods are simply being repackaged and sent via third countries to America. … Free markets are simply adapting to find the cheapest way to supply goods to consumers.

    This is what happens when the bulk of the ruling class has absolutely no grasp of the mechanisms that underpin their power, except as 'common sense'. Or, as you put it, less than economics 101 knowledge. These are the same people who see themselves (and unfortunately, somehow are) the world's ruling intellectual force. It can't last.

    Unless and until America re-constructs the entire manufacturing base of China somewhere ….

    Unfortunately for westerners but fortunately for most of the rest of the world, the US/west is run by neoliberals who couldn't see this sentence if you wrote it in the biggest neon letters you've ever seen. They are fundamentally incapable of understanding your twelve/thirteen words if they are put in that order. (Is a hyphenated word one or two words?)

    The west is soon to face the comeuppance it should have faced before playing its get-out-of-jail-free card in the 60s by exporting the contradictions of capitalism to the 'ex'-colonies. They can't do it twice and now they face double the contradictions: first, within the imperial core, as the recent waves of industrial action and riots, etc, are showing; and second, in the neo-colonies, as in Niger.

    The paper that speaks for millionaires isn't going to have anyone to speak for before long.