The Hulk stories from the 80's are so fucking cornball but She-Hulk, her origin, and the shit she has to go through I'm liking a lot more. I started at issue #1 so I'm caught up on the lore.

It feels like it's a lot easier to start at comic at it's origin and follow it along. The legacy Marvel stuff like Spidey, Cap, Thor etc. have 100's of issues to catch up on and most stories seem to be stinkers not worth your time.

I have Excalibur, Moon Knight and West Coast Avengers on my queue.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    1 month ago

    Moon Knight has some... interesting issues early on, I'll let you get to those yourself

    But yeah, it's always funny how comic book guys are always like "(insert superhero here) has so much excellent material to work with" most of those early comics are bo-ring and/or weird and bad

    There's a big reason why Spider-Man movies always have Venom or Green Goblin, and it's because a modern audience is gonna be like "Who the fuck is Paste-Pot Pete?" or "Ha ha, his name is The Shocker!"

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      1 month ago

      Yeah I often see nerds kind of bemoan the 90's and comics because of them being edgy and grimdark but like you said, people remember Venom and not 3D MAN from the Hulk.

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        1 month ago

        Yeah, only freaks like me remember the 3D Man

        Though it was funny how he came back for the Skrull Kill Krew

  • batsforpeace [any, any]
    1 month ago

    It's nice when a character has a smaller back catalogue so you legitimately have a shot at reading all the main arcs, with She-Hulk you get Byrne's meta-writing and good art as a bonus, I'm doing something similar for Ms Marvel right now, going through the original late 70s stuff which starts off pretty cringe and then Chris Claremont comes in and slowly makes it okay, by the second half he's even slipping in some mild social critique


    I want to check West Coast Avengers also but I think I'll just start around when Byrne came on. I also want to check Avengers by Bob Harras (early 90s) sometime, totally different lineup and vibes in that compared to the regular Avengers.