The isos with Cosmic alpha are now downloadable from system76's site!

    2 months ago

    I've been using COSMIC Epoch pre-alpha for the past two months, and it definitly is on a good path. There's still many bugs, but COSMIC has gotten much better, and more featureful (e.g. I'm finally able to use my keyboard layout of choice and rebind all keys accordingly). The only major missing feature is VRR/adaptive sync, because I really don't like playing CS2 with vsync.

    Sadly they switched from dynamic tiling (river, awesome) to manual tiling (sway/i3-style), but together with the window-movement-animations it's awesome. Finally there's a desktop with a compositor made with tiling in mind, and not as an afterthought.

    Also I find it great how many distros already have COSMIC packages in their community repos.

    2 months ago

    Just set it up in a VM, I haven't done a deep dive yet obviously but it definitely looks very slick so far!

    2 months ago

    Prior to going into the post, I was just hesitant to try it but curious. The fact that they are working on releasing Cosmic to other operating systems and how comprehensive the piece of news is (for instance, featuring a section of what's present and what's missing at this stage of development) is what may have just sold me into trying it.