There was some pseudoscience going around a while back about people can be left brain or right brain thinkers. Supposedly it came down to your dominant hand - meaning lefties are artistic and righies are logical. It's been thoroughly debunked but people still say it to me fairly often.
Wow. I've heard about the left and right brains as such but never seen people translate that to an artistic personality... I guess it might be a cultural thing. If it makes you feel any better, I can confirm you it's not a universal myth.
Today is finally the recognition we deserve and desire. Bow before us mighty Lefty's as we celebrate an entire day devoted to our awesomeness. You other types may have 364 days of being normal, but today is ours!
Quick, the lefties are starting to feel equal! Scare them off!
*removed externally hosted image*
I've heard statements that lefthandedness correlates very strongly with transness, and when i look at how many left handed trans people i know, i'm inclined to believe that.