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    2 months ago

    You don't need "AI" for this. Here's an article with several suggestions for free- and open source solutions:

    If the software you use for recording has any support for audio plugins, that's probably the easiest solution.

    2 months ago

    DeepFilterNet is fairly effective. Not quite as good as RTX Voice I would imagine, but it does wonders for my meetings with the duct right behind the webcam and the furnace right behind that wall.

    EasyEffects supports it out of the box as long as the plugin is installed, and the Flatpak also comes with it bundled I believe.

    That said, for recording, I would recommend applying the filter in post so you have the original to try different settings and get the best quality.

    2 months ago

    In addition to software solutions, how’s your hardware setup?

    • How far are you from your mic? And where is your fan located relative to you and your mic?
    • Do you have a dynamic mic or condenser mic? I’m not an expert, but I believe condenser mics tend to pick up more ambient noise from anywhere in the room compared to dynamic mics, which tend to more directional in nature.
    2 months ago

    Though it isn't open source, I want to mention that iZotope RX is the industry standard for audio cleanup in post. Maybe by knowing its name and reading about its features, you'll be able to write more specific search prompts to find the best (F)(L)OSS alternatives for your situation.