The initial Android Jellybean version of the blobmojis are the only emojis that have ever been good, before or since
Kitkats emojis were also pretty cool, the downfall started with lollipop in my opinion
They're my favourite emoji flavours, really, besides the blobbies (blobbies are life)
True they are the best plus the turtle through emoji kitchen
ShowWhy isn't this the official emoji style for all phones. It should just all be turtles.
Why don’t just use the stock ones from android? Samsung being Samsung I guess…
That oneUI 5.0 turtle looks actionable. Look at the legs. It's really obvious they traced the Apple one.
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How hard is it for them to use the best turtle. The android turtle.
I'd take this a step further and say they're all bad regardless of who made them, in my opinion. I just do not like them.