That sub is mostly pretty boring these days, but ocassionally they come through with a cringe masterpiece like this.

    30 days ago

    Putin is a reactionary, for sure. A proud capitalist. He's proclaimed himself such many times during interviews and such. Calling him a Nazi is just ignorance at best, falling directly into Western propaganda more likely.

    I don't like Putin. I don't think he's a moral or "good" man. But that doesn't make him a Nazi.

    As for the Ukrainian military, were you in a coma for 2 years? 10 years? It's been a well established undisputed fact by everyone, including the Azov guys, that they are fans of the Nazis, wear their symbols proudly, etc. This doesn't make every Ukrainian a Nazi. It doesn't mean Putin is truthful in his desire to rid Ukraine of Nazis. But you can't just deny the existence, the proud existence, of Nazi elements in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora. Like actual, legitimate, swatiska and SS lightning bolt wearing Nazis not just generic fascists. You have to be actively ignorant to miss this for like 2.5 years of war and troop footage.