As you reading are undoubtedly aware now, the instance experienced a massive failure this weekend. Unfortunately the data was not in a recoverable state, so the server was restored from a July 26th backup, and data after that time is likely lost.

Since this occurred while I was out of town, I haven't had the time to collect all the details of what happened, so I will have to post more information at a later time.

    11 months ago

    My biggest concern was that there was no way to find information about what was going on. Your Mastodon had no information.

    There was a thread on Lemmy support about it and some people thought the instance was gone forever.

      11 months ago

      Yeah really would be good to have a separatly hosted status page or something, but I understand that is a luxury. Considering Jonah has freely volunteered to host it's hard to complain.

      11 months ago

      I’m in the same boat as you. Although I was told to check to see the status of the instance, truth is I didn’t know if was ever going to be up again.

    11 months ago

    Thank you for your work! No one is expecting you to be always available, considering this is voluntary work you are doing.

    11 months ago

    Does anyone know why this is still showing up at the top of my "active" feed?

    10 months ago

    And there is lies the point of failure. If we generate posts and so on...will they also disappear if a particular lemmy server disappears?