I've been looking into all sorts of them recently: logseq, appflowy, vikunja, etc. What tools do you use? Why? What problems did you run into with the previous set of tools you used for this job?
Right now I'm primarily interested in finding a "zero-knowledge" (cloud provider doesn't have access to my data) system for task management. Needs to be able to have recurring tasks and tasks organized in some interesting/useful ways (by projects/labels/something, maybe a kanban and table view). Deadlines and time tracking/planning interesting but not required.
Many have mentioned org-mode. I used it for years but have moved on to todo.txt and markdown. I use syncthing to keep notes up to date on my phone and computer. I edit with whatever is available on my desktop and I use markor notes on my phone.
I think this setup only lacks the recurring tasks option. I think org-mode can do that but I use my calendar for that.
This is a highly personal topic so I'd suggest trying as many things as you can. Something will stick eventually.
I used to do this, but todo.txt is a dead format now unfortunately, the maintainers left a long time ago. Tasks.org is where its at, open-source, sync how you want, tagging, recurring tasks.
Is it dead or complete? For my purposes, it doesn't need any changes.
Try asking the maintainers for clarification or an update on anything. They're gone.