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  • K1nsey6@lemmy.ml
    26 days ago

    Probably more to do with the fact that he wouldn't allow various states to install a back door in the app.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
      26 days ago

      Kind of ironic that he left Russia only to end up being arrested in the west for building a platform that the ruling class here can't control.

  • M500@lemmy.ml
    26 days ago

    It seems like people here agree that this arrest seems weird.

    I don’t understand what he did wrong.

  • Hexadecimalkink@lemmy.ml
    26 days ago

    I don't understand if these are the charges, why they haven't arrested Zuckerberg for the same. The reason is that Pavel won't install backdoors into his app.