If you’d been quietly chasing down cryptographic bugs in a proprietary police radio system since 2021, but you’d had to wait until the second half of 2023 to go public with your research, how would you deal with the reveal?

You’d probably do what researchers at boutique Dutch cybersecurity consultancy Midnight Blue did: line up a world tour of conference appearances in the US, Germany and Denmark (Black Hat, Usenix, DEF CON, CCC and ISC), and turn your findings into a BWAIN.

The word BWAIN, if you haven’t seen it before, is our very own jocular acronym that’s short for Bug With An Impressive Name, typically with its own logo, PR-friendly website and custom domain name.

(One notorious BWAIN, named after a legendary musical instrument, Orpheus’s Lyre, even had a theme tune, albeit played on a ukulele.) 24/7 threat hunting, detection, and response delivered by an expert team as a fully-managed service. Learn More Introducing TETRA:BURST

This research is dubbed TETRA:BURST, with the letter “A” stylised to look like a shattered radio transmission mast.....