Absolutely. Bar none. Here's my config for downloading best quality YT videos (but works for other sites too) if anyone wants to base theirs on it: https://pastebin.com/ba9sFURT
All of the good video downloaders are just a wrapper for using this, so it's not really "instead".
yt-dlp is great, but if you need to archive playlists automatically, want a repository, or otherwise prefer a gui I would recommend TubeArchivist.
I tried to download some videos from Reddit using YT-DLP and it didn't work, I think maybe because Reddit limited access
I made a script for grabbing reddit videos that's been working pretty well for me, needs Babashka to run https://babashka.org/
#!/usr/bin/env bb (require '[clojure.java.shell :refer [sh]] '[clojure.string :as string] '[cheshire.core :as cheshire] '[org.httpkit.client :as http] '[clojure.walk :as walk]) (defn http-get [url] (-> @(http/get url {}) :body)) (defn find-base-url [data] (let [results (atom [])] (walk/postwalk (fn [node] (when (and (string? node) (.contains node "DASH")) (swap! results conj node)) node) data) (some-> @results first (string/replace #"DASH_[0-9]+\.mp4" "")))) (defn find-best-quality [names audio?] (->> ((if audio? filter remove) #(.contains (.toLowerCase %) "audio") names) (sort-by (fn [n] (-> n (string/replace #"\.mp4" "") (string/replace #"[a-zA-Z_]" "") (Integer/parseInt)))) (last))) (defn find-parts [base-url data] (let [url (atom nil) _ (walk/prewalk (fn [node] (when (and (map? node) (contains? node :dash_url)) (reset! url (:dash_url node))) node) data) xml (http-get @url) parts (->> (re-seq #"<BaseURL>(.*?)</BaseURL>" xml) (map second)) best-video (find-best-quality parts false) best-audio (find-best-quality parts true)] [(str base-url best-video) (str base-url best-audio)])) (defn filename [url] (let [idx (inc (.lastIndexOf url "/"))] (subs url idx))) (defn tsname [] (str "video-" (System/currentTimeMillis) ".mp4")) (let [data (-> (first *command-line-args*) (str ".json") http-get (cheshire/decode true)) base-url (find-base-url data) [video-url audio-url] (find-parts base-url data) video-file (filename video-url) audio-file (filename audio-url)] (sh "wget" video-url) (sh "wget" audio-url) (sh "ffmpeg" "-i" video-file "-stream_loop" "-1" "-i" audio-file "-shortest" "-map" "0:v:0" "-map" "1:a:0" "-y" (tsname)) (sh "rm" audio-file video-file))
I don't think I've had issues with reddit, as long as you use the link to the reddit comment thread, not one of the shortlinks or the video link or something else.
Does it work for movies that "require you to sign in to verify your age"?
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Your email link doesn't work. Try it in Tor Browser with js disabled.
This is wonderful, I've been struggling with piped for some time now, it's always asking me to sign in to confirm that I'm not a bot. Also it's showing me videos in very low quality and often it stops loading halfway through the video. With this I get to see good quality videos once more, without unwanted pauses and without financing yt in any way. Great!