• TypicalHog@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Absolutely. Bar none. Here's my config for downloading best quality YT videos (but works for other sites too) if anyone wants to base theirs on it: https://pastebin.com/ba9sFURT

  • Overshoot2648@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    yt-dlp is great, but if you need to archive playlists automatically, want a repository, or otherwise prefer a gui I would recommend TubeArchivist.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      I made a script for grabbing reddit videos that's been working pretty well for me, needs Babashka to run https://babashka.org/

      #!/usr/bin/env bb
      (require '[clojure.java.shell :refer [sh]]
               '[clojure.string :as string]
               '[cheshire.core :as cheshire]
               '[org.httpkit.client :as http]
               '[clojure.walk :as walk])
      (defn http-get [url]
        (-> @(http/get url {})
      (defn find-base-url [data]
        (let [results (atom [])]
           (fn [node]
             (when (and (string? node) (.contains node "DASH"))
               (swap! results conj node))
          (some-> @results first (string/replace #"DASH_[0-9]+\.mp4" ""))))
      (defn find-best-quality [names audio?]
        (->> ((if audio? filter remove) #(.contains (.toLowerCase %) "audio") names)
              (fn [n]
                (-> n
                    (string/replace #"\.mp4" "")
                    (string/replace #"[a-zA-Z_]" "")
      (defn find-parts [base-url data]
        (let [url (atom nil)
              _ (walk/prewalk
                 (fn [node]
                   (when (and (map? node)
                              (contains? node :dash_url))
                     (reset! url (:dash_url node)))
              xml (http-get @url)
              parts (->> (re-seq #"<BaseURL>(.*?)</BaseURL>" xml) (map second))
              best-video (find-best-quality parts false)
              best-audio (find-best-quality parts true)]
          [(str base-url best-video) (str base-url best-audio)]))
      (defn filename [url]
        (let [idx (inc (.lastIndexOf url "/"))]
          (subs url idx)))
      (defn tsname []
        (str "video-" (System/currentTimeMillis) ".mp4"))
      (let [data (-> (first *command-line-args*) (str ".json") http-get (cheshire/decode true)) 
            base-url (find-base-url data)
            [video-url audio-url] (find-parts base-url data)
            video-file (filename video-url)
            audio-file (filename audio-url)]
        (sh "wget" video-url)
        (sh "wget" audio-url)
        (sh "ffmpeg" "-i" video-file "-stream_loop" "-1" "-i" audio-file "-shortest" "-map" "0:v:0" "-map" "1:a:0" "-y" (tsname))
        (sh "rm" audio-file video-file))
    • corbin@infosec.pub
      4 months ago

      I don't think I've had issues with reddit, as long as you use the link to the reddit comment thread, not one of the shortlinks or the video link or something else.

  • e$tGyr#J2pqM8v@feddit.nl
    4 months ago

    This is wonderful, I've been struggling with piped for some time now, it's always asking me to sign in to confirm that I'm not a bot. Also it's showing me videos in very low quality and often it stops loading halfway through the video. With this I get to see good quality videos once more, without unwanted pauses and without financing yt in any way. Great!