The codenames for every major Debian release are named after characters from Pixar's Toy Story franchise. Debian's unstable release is fittingly named after Sid, an unstable character from the Toy Story movies.

      22 days ago

      Numbers give the wrong impression that one version follows another. Debian release channels exit alongside each other individually. Giving the release channels names helps to make that distinction. It also makes for an easy layout of packages in APT repositories.

      Sid is and always has been Sid. If you were to assign numbers, what number should replace that name? There are perfectly working labels for release channels and there is no reasonable replacement.

    22 days ago

    R releases all have code names that are Peanuts references, like "Bunny Wunnies Freak Out".

    21 days ago

    I ran Sid for years, I knew what it was named for and that was cool.

    Lately though I have been wondering if they are going to run out of characters? Maybe it's time to latch onto something else? I don't know..