• 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2021


  • Linux is boring. In a good way. It is so boring that each of my computers use different distros. I have Debian, Fedora, Mint, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and Endeavour OS installed across 4 or 5 computers right now. Some of them still dual-booting Windows 10/11. Now each time I boot into Windows is fun. In a bad way.

  • You won't find as many afrodescendants in Mexico as in Brazil. In Mexico, the skin color of Lula is already dark enough to be discriminated by middle and higher classes. Also, the classicism is often fused with this kind of microracisms of skin and eye color. Hair color, texture and formation are also taken into account to discriminate people.

  • Racism in Mexico is blatant if you learn where to find it. The trend I'm observing with Claudia Sheinbaum is that people in a good position in life expect her to fix all that ignorant of poor origin (this is AMLO) messed up. Claudia, after all, was raised well into the middle class and she has this not so Mexican lineage.

    Of course the opposition plays with the idea that Claudia isn't even Mexican, but that's just not true and backfired. In sum, the middle class is torn around Sheinbaum, but they usually don't like AMLO.

  • Well, I like it. Yes, it requires some time, but overall makes a lot of sense as a comparison. I would have left the 794 cities part out of the graphic to see more clearly the difference between the USA and outside the USA, but I guess you wanted to show it for some specific reason. That part was the only one I had to "guess" by adding the n value for USA plus the one for non-USA cities.

  • selokichtli@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDo we like Bill Burr now?
    1 month ago

    I think he's smart and brave. A lot of smart people won't say what they think because of people everywhere checking on discourses for the smallest fractures getting offended. Smart people, in the end, will choose their battles. Bill Burr is not always on point but he does not shy away from stating his point of view. Sometimes he does it brilliantly. I don't follow the guy as much as a fan or a critic would to know why they like him or why they hate him right now. Seriously, cancelation culture is not constructive.

  • It's cool and all, but trains have fixed routes that can't take you almost everywhere. Of course I'd prefer trains over highways, just stating the current fact. Take for example every city I've lived in Mexico: trains never were an option to travel between cities. That's changing, fortunately.

    PEVs are still not very common around here, but that answers some questions. Thanks for your reply.